Basic Mechanical Engineering Workshop
Basic mechanical engineering workshop is intended to make the students aware of the basic mechanical engineering operations and familiarize them with different tools used for various mechanical engineering operations. Practices of engineering work like fitting, carpentry, foundry, forging, welding, sheet metal work, assembly are provided here.
Lab in Charge: Prof. Sreekumar.S
Technical Staff: Sarath .S, Abhilash.S.Krishnan, Madhusoodhanan P.H, Anil Bhaskaran

List of experiments
- Carpentry: Study of tools and joints. Practice in planning, chiseling, marking and sawing. Joints – Cross joint, T joint, Dove tail joint.
- Fitting: Study of tools, Practice in filing, cutting, drilling and tapping. Male and female joints, Stepped joints.
- Sheet Metal Work: Study of tools. Selection of different gauge GI sheets for jobs. Practice on riveted joints. Preparing tube joints, frustums, trays and containers.
- Plumbing: Study of tools. Details of plumbing work in domestic and industrial applications. Study of pipe joints, cutting, threading and laying of pipes with different fittings using PVC pipes. Use of special tools in plumbing work.
- Foundry: Study of tools. Preparation of sand, moulding practice and demonstration of casting.
- Welding: Study of welding machines. Straight line practices, Making of But joint, T joint and Lap joint.
- Smithy: Study of tools. Demonstration on forging of square prism, hexagonal bolt, T bolt and Eye bolt.
- Machine Tools: Study and demonstration on working of machine tools. Lathe and Drilling machine
Fluid Mechanics and Machines Lab
The Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory is equipped with the commonly used turbines in power generation like Pelton Wheel, Francis Turbine and different types of flows through channels and pipes are in the experiment setup with periodically calibrated gauges.
Lab in Charge: Mr. Aswin Mohan, Mr. Gokul O
Technical Staff: Akhil Chandran, Rejilal.N

List of experiments
- Determination of Coefficient of discharge and calibration of Notches, Orifice meter, Nozzle and Venturimeter.
- Determination of Chezy’s constant and Darcy’s coefficient on pipe friction apparatus
- Determination of Hydraulic coefficients of orifices
- Determination of Metacentric Height and Radius of gyration of floating bodies.
- Performance test on Roto dynamic and Positive displacement pumps
- Performance test on Impulse and Reaction turbines
- Speed variation test on Impulse turbine
- Determination of best guide vane opening for Reaction turbine
- Performance test on variable speed pump and plotting is efficiency curves
Manufacturing Technology Lab-I
This is equipped with centre lathes, shaping machines, slotting machines, milling machines, radial drilling machine, tool and cutter grinding machine.
Lab in Charge: Mr.Kalesh.K.K
Technical Staff: Sarath .S, Abhilash.S.Krishnan, Madhusoodhanan, Anil Bhaskaran

List of experiments
- Turret and Capstan Lathes
- Horizontal Milling Machine
- Vertical Milling Machine
- Surface Grinding Machine
- Cylindrical Grinding Machine
- Radial Drilling Machine
- lathe Tool Dynamometer
- Milling Tool Dynamometer
- Gear Hobbling Machine
- Tool Makers Microscope
- CNC Lathe
- CNC milling machine
- Gear Shaper machine
- Center less grinding machine
- Tool and cutter grinder
Manufacturing Technology Lab-II
This lab helps students to study and practice the basic machining operations in the special purpose machines and acquire its applicability in the real time components manufacturing industries. And help us to Study and preparation of program, simulation and exercise on CNC lathe:-turning, step turning, taper turning, thread cutting, ball and cup turning etc.
Lab in Charge: Mr. Jinan.S
Technical Staff: Sarath .S, Abhilash.S.Krishnan, Madhusoodhanan, Anil Bhaskaran

List of experiments
- Basics for mechanical measurements
- Experiments on Limits, Fits and Tolerance
- Linear measurements
- Straightness error measurement
- Angle measurements
- Out of roundness measurement
- Screw thread measurement
- Bore measurement
- Calibration and determination of uncertainties
- Rotation measurement
- Area determination
- Gear metrology
CAD Lab has equipped with more than 85 Computer Systems with high end latest Configuration hardware. The software available include AutoCAD 2015, SolidWorks 2012, Pro/Engineer wildfire 3.0, SolidEdge, ANSYS 15, LS-DYNA, Materials Studio, MATLAB & Simulink, E Yantra (Design Software), I-DEAS, and CATIA V5R10 etc,.
Lab in Charge: Mr.Arun.M
Technical Staff: Biju. K.C

List of experiments
- Structural analysis.
- Thermal analysis.
- Fluid flow analysis.
Thermal Engineering Lab
The machines and equipment used to determine experimental data include cut models of 4-stroke diesel engine, 2-stroke petrol engine, 4-stroke and two stroke petrol engines with required specifications, Multi cylinder SI engine, Single cylinder Diesel engine for performance and speed test which is suitable to tests on variable compression ratios.
Lab in Charge: Mr. Akhil K V
Technical Staff: Akhil Chandran, K.K.Subramanian

List of experiments
- Determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products -flash and fire point apparatus
- Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil- viscometer
- Determination of calorific value of solid and liquid fuels- calorimeter
- Determination of calorific value of and gaseous fuels – calorimeter
- Performance test on petrol engines with various types of loading systems
- Performance test on Diesel engines with various types of loading systems
- Heat Balance test on petrol/Diesel engines
- Cooling curve of IC engines
- Valve timing diagram of IC engines 10. Economic speed test on IC engines
- Retardation test on IC engines
- Determination volumetric efficiency and Air-fuel ratio of IC engines
- Morse test on petrol engine
- Performance test on reciprocating compressor
- Performance test on rotary compressor/blower
- Draw velocity profile in a pipe flow using Prandtl -Pitot tube
- Analysis of automobile exhaust gas and flue gas using exhaust gas analyser
CIM laboratory is equipped with CNC production Lathe, CNC trainer Lathe, CNC Milling machine, Coordinate Measuring Machine, Vision Measuring Machine, Surface roughness tester and CADEM Software.
Lab in Charge: Mr.AnwarRajeev, Ms.Vidya.V
Technical Staff: Biju. K.C

List of experiments
- CNC part programming using CAM packages.
- Simulation of Turning, Drilling, Milling operations.
- Typical simulations to be carried out using simulation packages like Master- CAM, or any equivalent software.
Mechanical Engineering Lab
The equipments are used to conduct the various heat transfer experiments, to practice calibration of thermometer and pressure gauges and to do experiments on dynamics.
Lab in Charge: Mr. Renjith Raj.R
Technical Staff: Akhil Chandran, K.K.Subramanian

List of experiments:
- Determination of LMTD and effectiveness of parallel flow, Counter flow and cross flow heat exchangers ( double pipe heat exchanger)
- Determination of heat transfer coefficients in free convection(free convection apparatus)
- Determination of heat transfer coefficients in forced convection (forced convection apparatus)
- Determination of thermal conductivity of solids(composite wall)
- Determination of emissivity of a specimen (emissivity apparatus)
- Determination of Stefan Boltzman constant (Stefan Boltzmann apparatus)
- Study and performance test on refrigeration (Refrigeration Test rig)
- Calibration of Thermocouples
- Calibration of Pressure gauge