Women’s Grievance redressal Cell

If any woman faculty, staff or girl student has any grievance, including any kind of harassment, the same can be brought to the notice of the chairman or any of the members of Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell for necessary action and redressal.

Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell have been constituted with the following members. 
Dr. Gouri Antherjanam, HoD (CE) 

Ms.Cinaya Tony, Assistant Professor (EEE) 
Ms.Reeba R, Assistant Professor (CSE) 
Ms.Asha Rani, Assistant Professor (Chemistry) If any woman faculty, staff or girl student has any grievance, including any kind of harassment, the same can be brought to the notice of the chairman or any of the members of Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell for necessary action and redressal.  

  • Approved by AICTE , New Delhi

  • Affiliated to Kerala University

  • Kerala Technological University

  • ISO 9001-2008 Certified Institution
  • Professional Body Chapters & Clubs