Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering


Medicinal plant garden; and initiative by department of biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and NSS unit sree buddha college of engineering autonomous, pattoor.Inauguration done by Dr. Priya devadath,executive member,kerala medicinal plant board on 21/02/2025

Extension activity performed by women’s club and department of biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering benefits the rural neighbourhood in analysis drinking water quality through pollution control board approved Cgrade Laboratory at Sree Buddha College of Engineering,Pattor(Autonomous)

“Semester 6 Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering students visited Zeta Biosystem for an insightful industry experience!”

MoU signed with the Centre for Research in Molecular and Applied Science, Thiruvananthapuram. The initiative will provide opportunities for our students to carry out internships, analytical technique skill development and project work leading to publications.

Unravelling the Blueprints of Life: Insights from the Nobel Prize Discoveries in New Biology

The Department of Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering, in collaboration with the Department of Food Technology, organized a one-day seminar on the topic “Unravelling the Blueprints of Life: Insights from the Nobel Prize Discoveries in New Biology.” This enlightening event was attended by students from the BTech Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering and BTech Food Technology programs, who gained valuable insights into the evolving landscape of biological science.

The seminar commenced with an inaugural address by Prof. Meera Bai S, who warmly welcomed the gathering and expressed gratitude to all participants for their enthusiasm in exploring this field. The keynote speaker, Dr. Achuth Sankar S Nair, Professor & Head (i/c) of the Department of Computational Biology at the University of Kerala, delivered a stimulating talk on the “blueprint of life” and the central dogma of biology. Dr. Achuth Sankar’s session highlighted how recent Nobel Prize-winning discoveries have opened new frontiers in the understanding of life sciences, moving beyond traditional biology to embrace multidisciplinary approaches


Workshop on  microbial fuel cell

DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING organises the three day Hands-on Training cum workshop in hybrid mode i.e., two day online (25th and 26th )and third day offline mode (27th September 2024) in the design and Fabrication of microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology



A two-day workshop titled Biotechnology Popularization and Skill Development Program for School Children was successfully organized by the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering at Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor. The event, held on July 12th and 15th, 2024, was sponsored by the Biotech Research Society of India (BRSI).The workshop was a resounding success, providing school children with valuable insights and practical experience in the field of biotechnology.


A success full entrepreneur in food sector was invited to have an interaction session with our B.Tech biotechnology & biochemical engineering and food technology students. The program was organised by department of biotechnology and biochemical engineering and food technology on 14th February 2024 afternoon session at library seminar hall. Respected HOD Prof. Meera Bai S, has welcomed the resource person Mrs. Rajasree R., founder of Fruit & Root, Nooranadu for the event. She is a person who have won many entrepreneur awards and marketing many values added products from jackfruit. She explained the importance of value addition of agro produce mainly focusing on jackfruit. She has showed more than 100 products prepared by her and major meal powders marketed by fruit and root. The talk ended by expressing a vote of thanks by the program coordinator Ms. Chinchu Elezebeth.After the session food technology students are directed to food process engineering lab for the workshop session where Mrs. Rajasree has showed students the process of preparation of raw jackfruit payasam and jackfruit bhaaji. Students were engaged in the process which helped them for gathering information about production and processing techniques. During the workshop students interacted with their doubts about value added products marketing and processing. The session was helpful to build a relation between nearby food processing entrepreneur and which offered us all possible help with her contacts and machinery available with her unit for any of our ventures.


Industry Expert Interaction on 20th March 2024

Department of biotechnology and biochemical engineering has organized a industry expert interaction on 20th march 2024. Head-operations from synthite industries pvt ltd Er. *Eldhose p kauma addressed our students and had a presentation on “scope of engineering &technology in value addition of spices ”
The 2 hrs interactive session has enlightened biotechnology and food technology students regarding industrial importance of unit operations and career opportunities in the bio ingredient industry.

The International conference on “Smart and Green Materials for Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Application” jointly organised by Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering

The International conference on “Smart and Green Materials for Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Application” jointly organised by Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering inaugurated by Prof.Cristóbal Noé Aguilar González, Head of the office of Research and Postgraduate Programs, Autonomous University of Coahuila. México. The souvenir was released by Dr. K. Krishnakumar, Principal, SBCE, Pattoor.


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), and ISO 22000 standards.

The Department of Food Technology & the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering jointly organized and conducted a highly beneficial training program as part of our ongoing value addition initiative. This program focused on enhancing the knowledge and skills of our students in the critical areas of food safety management systems, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), and ISO 22000 standards.

Program Details
• Training Program: Highfield Approved HACCP Level 3 & ISO 22000 Internal Auditor Training
• Training Provider: ASPIRE Training Research Consultancy
• Training Fee: Rs. 7,000/- per participant
• Number of Participants: 35 students from the Department of Food Technology and the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering
• Training Dates: 26th, 27th, and 28th of October 2023

Program Objectives
The primary objectives of this training program were as follows:
1. Equip Students with Essential Skills: To provide students with the essential skills and knowledge required to understand and implement food safety management systems, HACCP, and ISO 22000 standards.

2. Industry-Recognized Certification: To prepare students to obtain industry-recognized certifications in food safety management, making them highly competitive and employable in the food and biotechnology sectors.

3. Enhance Practical Understanding: To facilitate a deeper understanding of practical applications in food safety, HACCP, and ISO 22000, enabling students to contribute effectively to the industry.

The training program was highly successful, with students benefiting in the following ways:
1. Certification: All 35 participants successfully completed the program and received certifications in HACCP Level 3 and ISO 22000 Internal Auditing. These certifications are valuable additions to their academic qualifications and will significantly enhance their career prospects.

2. Enhanced Knowledge: The program substantially improved the participants’ understanding of food safety management systems, HACCP, and ISO 22000 standards. They are now equipped with theknowledge and skills necessary to ensure food safety and quality in a professional setting.

  1. Practical Experience: Through interactive sessions, group activities, and real-world case studies, students gained practical experience that will be invaluable when they enter the workforce.
  2. Career Readiness: The training has prepared our students to excel in the food and biotechnology sectors. They are now well-prepared to meet the industry’s rigorous standards and demands.

This initiative has not only enhanced the knowledge and skills of our students but has also equipped them with internationally recognized certifications that will be a significant asset in their future careers. We are confident that the knowledge and experience gained during this training will pave the way for our students to become leaders in ensuring food safety and quality. This training program marks a significant step in our ongoing efforts to provide value-added education and practical skills to our students, ensuring that they are well-prepared to excel in their chosen fields.

Report on World Food Day Celebration: “ALIMENTO- where food meets Tech”

Date: October 16th, 2023

Organized by: Department of Food Technology & Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering in association with FROSA

On October 16th, 2023, the Department of Food Technology and the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering in association with FROSA celebrated World Food Day with an event titled “ALIMENTO – where food meets Tech.” The event aimed to raise awareness about food safety and sustainability, as well as to showcase the culinary talents of students through various programs.

Awareness Program:

An enlightening awareness talk on the topic “Eat right, stay healthy” was delivered by guest speaker Ms. Sreelekshmi S Vasavan, a Food Safety Officer from Mavelikkara. Her presentation included discussions on existing laws and acts related to food safety, various types of food adulterants, and the importance of consuming healthy food for the well-being of future generations.

Cooking Without Fire:

A cooking competition was held exclusively for SBCE students. The contest featured seven enthusiastic participants who were judged by Mr. Amjith T R (Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical) and Ms. Neethu J (Assistant Professor, Dept of BT and BCE). The competition consisted of two rounds. The winner, Mr. Athul (Dept of EC), showcased exceptional culinary skills and creativity, earning him the first position and a prize of Rs 1000. Ms. Avani secured the second position.

Poster Making:

Another contest for SBCE students, the poster making competition witnessed the participation of 28 talented individuals. The honorable judges, Mr. Sree Kumar (Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical) and Ms. Reji (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering), presided over the event, which had two rounds. The first round focused on the theme of “Zero Hunger,” and the second round was centered around the theme of World Food Day: “Water is life, water is food, leave no one behind.” Mr. S. Unni Krishnan (S1 CE) secured the first position, while Mr. Anson B Vilson (S1 CE) received the second position.

Sensory Test:

The sensory test was organized for higher secondary students and was judged by Dr. Shilpa Lekshmi (Department of BT&BCE). Participants from 10 different schools took part in the competition, with a total of 25 contestants. The competition featured five rounds, with different sensory tests in each round. Ms. Jyothika J (GHSS) was crowned the winner, receiving a prize of Rs 5000, and Ms. Arya (VVHSS) secured the second position with a prize of Rs 3000.

Food Quiz:

The Food Quiz was conducted by Quiz Master Ms. Smitha N.K (Department of Basic Science and Humanities). The event drew students from 7 different schools, forming a total of 11 teams. The competition consisted of five rounds. Team 2 emerged as the winners, securing the first position, while Team 5 claimed the second position. Prize money of Rs 5000 and Rs 3000 was awarded to the respective winners.

“ALIMENTO – where food meets Tech” was a resounding success, celebrating World Food Day and promoting food safety, culinary skills, and awareness about food-related issues. The event brought together students and experts, fostering a spirit of healthy competition and knowledge sharing. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their enthusiastic involvement in the various programs.



An Industry Academia interaction was conducted on 4th October Wednesday organised by the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical engineering SBCE and Centre for Genomic medicine, NIMS Medicity Hospital, Trivandrum. 

An MoU was signed, which ensures future research and academic collaborations between both the instituitions.

Dr Aneesh Nair, Principal Scientist, NIMS centre for Genomic Medicine had interacted with the UG and PG students of the department.  He gave an insight about different fields and job perspectives in the field of Biotechnology. The session was interactive and informative and the students were made aware of the various career aspects in the field of Life sciences based engineering.


A photography competition was conducted by the department of BTBCE in the loving memory of Dr Manoj Narayanan.The theme set fot this contest was”Nature”.Around 20 participants from different colleges participated in the contest.Judges evaluated the photographs taken and the contest winners were announced.The prizes were distributed on June 22,2023.
First prize Rs 2000 – Sreehari R, S4 Mechanical,SBCE
Second Prize Rs 1000 – Soorej Soman,S4 BTBCE,SBCE

Principal giving the First Prize to Sreehari R

World Environment Day

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering in association with Institution of Engineers (INDIA),Kollam Local Centre organized an Expert Talk as part of the World Environment Day on June 5th,2023.The event was started with a silent prayer. HoD, Prof Meera Bhai S delivered the welcome address. Er Rajan K (Chairman IEI local centre , Kollam) delivered the presidential address. The meeting was officially inaugurated by Dr D Thankamani (Former Member Secretary KSPCB and Former HoD, Environment Engineering Division CET Trivandrum).
As soon as the inauguration was over the session started. Ms Rincy Susan Raju (Asst Professor, Dept of BTBCE) introduced the chief guest. Chief guest Prof D Thankamani delivered the expert talk on “Carbon footprints and its relevance on the society ”. Around 120 students from different semesters participated in the program. After the talk as part of the beat the plastic pollution campaign plastic free pledge was taken by the students.

The program came to an end by 12 pm.


Department of Food Technology as part of ASTRAL-23 conducted a workshop on AI on the plate-navigating the future of food technology. Around 33 students from different colleges participated in the workshop. The resourse person was Ashwin Joy (AI and Python Expert, Cognizant Technology Solutions). He briefed the currents percepts of Artificial intelligence in different areas. He also explained the applications of artificial Intelligence in food industry in detecting the food adulterations, creating new recipes with the food apps. The workshops helped the students to understand the importance of python programming and the need for combining the AI with food technology.

Food Processing-A Sunrise Sector Seminar

Report :” Food Processing-A Sunrise Sector “ Seminar was conducted on 18th April ,2023
HOD prof Meera Bhai welcomed the gathering. Mr. Roshin U Thankachan, Assistant General Manager, Plant lipids Cochin addressed the gathering on the topic Food processing a sunrise sector. He briefed about the recent trends and future of food technology. Also motivated the students to focus their career on the emerging trends in food technology. Students had a very interactive session. Finally seminar was concluded by Vote of thanks by Steffi John, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Technology.


Alumni Interaction Talk 9
Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering had conducted an Alumni interaction on April 12th, 2023 as part of Buds to flowers alumni interaction series.
Sony K Cherian (2014-2018 Batch), PhD Scholar IIT Hyderabad was the resource person. She discussed her journey from graduation to Doctoral studies and encouraged the students to evolve in research activities. Also motivated the students to set a goal and work hard to achieve that.
Students interacted well and the session was very informative

Report on motivational talk by Dr. B Premlet


A motivational talk arranged for all semester students on 15th march 2023, 1.30pm to 4pm at library seminar hall. BUDS in association with FROZA organized the event for students with the inspiration from beloved HOD. The program started by a silent prayer and Prof. Meerabai HOD, invited our guest of honor Dr. B Premlet, Rtd. Prof & Head, Department of Physics TKM College Of Engineering, Kollam for the session. Students from S2 to S8 participated in the program with great enthusiasm and energy. Dr. B Premlet handled a wonderful session with a variety presentation method. He has motivated students with inspiration towards research and project ideas for both biotechnology and food technology students. He presented the concepts of research by correlating with our cuisine which made the session so interesting. The session was open for interaction for last ten minutes, when the students asked their curious doubts to Dr. B Premlet. Program coordinator Ms. Chinchu Elezebeth expressed thanks to the guest, faculty and students and the session got over by 4pm.


A five-day KTU sponsored faculty development programme on “Novel Technological Advancement in Downstream Processing” was jointly organised by the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and Department of Food Technology, Sree Buddha College of Engineering Pattoor from January 30th –3rd February, 2023. The FDP’s official launch was on January 30th, 2023. Prof. Meera Bai S (HoD, Department of BT& BCE) welcomed the gathering and discussed the importance of FDP in his keynote speech.
Dr G Arthanareeswaran (Professor, NIT, Tiruchirappalli) inaugurated the function. Ms. Shamnamol G K (Coordinator) proposed vote of thanks. The first session was handled by Dr. G Arthanareeswaran (Professor, NIT, Tiruchirappalli) on “Recent developments in membrane separation technologies for downstream processing “. His session was excellent and more filled with current advancement in the same field.
Dr R Sindhu (Associate Professor, Department of Food Technology, TKMIT, Kollam) led the afternoon session on January 30th on “Screening, production, downstream processing and applications of biopolymers” The session was fully packed with her researches carried at NIIST Thiruvananthapuram. She also explained about the research manuscript writing and submission procedures. The session was very useful for the research scholars.
The third session was handled by Dr Shilpa Lekshmi L (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology& Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor) on January 31st, 2023. She has taken the class on “Protein Downstream Processing, Techniques and applications”. The session was really informative and she shared her own experience, since she has enough clinical laboratory experience. Explained about all the basic and advanced protein purification techniques which was really new to the audience.
On January 31st, an afternoon session was handled by Dr A Sreekanth. (Associate Professor, NIT, Tiruchirappalli) on “Application of spectroscopy in development of sensors in Biotechnology”. He explained all the basic spectroscopic techniques beginning from base of spectroscopy and taken us to the world of sensors. Also opened our eyes on the scope and research area which we can work further in sensors.
Dr. Neethu K C (Scientist Control Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi) led the morning section on February 01 st on the topic “Novel engineering solutions for post-harvest fisheries technology ” Her section was packed with the information on the topic and her session was extremely motivating for everyone, and she shared her personal experience. Her session was excellent and more filled with current advancement in the same field.
Dr. Leon Ittichan (Professor, Department of Biotechnology Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology) led the afternoon section on Feb 01 st on the topic “Membrane systems in Biotechnology; An overview”
His section was really an eyeopener in the membrane systems field as it really explored the various systems and gave a gist of what was possible, the session was really helpful and was informative.
Prof N Ramachandran (Retd Professor, GEC, Thrissur) was the resource person on the 2nd of February forenoon session. The session was on “Recent developments in downstream techniques and application in bioprocess industry”. He elaborated on all the basic downstream processing techniques and the recent development of the same. Since he was such an experienced man all his explanation were on the practical difficulties and solution point of view. Which benefited the participants a lot.
Dr Aravind Madhavan (Scientist, Amrita Vishwa Vidya Peetham, Amritapuri campus, Kollam) delivered a session on “Recombinant protein and downstream processing” It was the 2nd of February 2023 afternoon and he entertained the class. Since he received young scientist award of kerala government recently he just gone through his experience in research and how he loved doing research in his young age. His topic selected for the session was also encouraging and motivating to come up with new research ideas.
Dr Baby K C (Vice President, Synthite Industries Pvt. Ltd Kerala) operated the morning section on Feb 03 rd on the topic “Application of Extraction for separating Bio Ingredients to manufacture value added products” His section was really informative and gave a brief information on the various extraction and separation techniques. He shared his life experiences and explained his journey from how he had achieved what he had achieved today.
Dr Binod Paramewsaran (Principal Scientist, NIST, Trivandrum) had taken the evening section on Feb 03 rd on the topic “Downstream processing of microbial enzymes and biochemicals” The section included the down streaming processing techniques , he took the time to explain about almost all the techniques , it was really informative.
After the session certificate distribution was done by Dr Binod Paramewsaran (Principal Scientist, NIST, Trivandrum) & Prof Meera Bai S(HoD). Later Ms Neethu Rajan (Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology &Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor), Program Coordinator delivered vote of thanks.


A three-day KTU sponsored faculty development programme on “Research Methodology, Scientific Writing, and Publication Ethics” was jointly organised by the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and Department of Food Technology, Sree Buddha College of Engineering Pattoor from January 23–25, 2023. The FDP’s official launch was on January 23, 2023. Prof. Meera Bai S (HoD, Department of BT& BCE) welcomed the gathering and Prof. P Prasad (Secretary, SBES) discussed the importance of FDP in his keynote speech. Dr.P Pradeep (Professor, NIT, Calicut) inaugurated the function and felicitation of the function was done by Prof. Pavitha (HoD, Dept. of EC). Ms. Shamnamol G K (Coordinator) proposed vote of thanks.
The first session was handled by Dr. P. Pradeep (Professor, Department of Physics, NIT, Calicut) on “Why should teachers do research and attend conferences?” He shared his real-life experience and asked the teachers to do research even though their lives would have more difficulties. He motivated the teachers to do research and attend conferences.

Mr. Gopu Darsan (Lead Knowledge Officer, ICT Academy of Kerala) led the afternoon session on January 23rd on “Technical Writing Using LaTex.” Hands-on training on LaTeX was given by Mr. Gopu Darsan, who introduced “open leaf” for online technical content writing. If we are using the Open Leaf online tool, codes will be there, and there is no need to write the code in those cases. It was also explained that IEEE and other types of journal LaTeX format are available on the internet. The session was very useful for the research scholars.

The third session was handled by Dr. Jaya Mary Jacob (Scientist, KSCSTE) on January 24, 2023. She has taken the class on “Research manuscript publication and writing practices.” The session was really motivating for all, and she shared her own experience. After the PG programme, she was a big zero, and during her PhD work, she learned how to write the proposal and how to write the article. She intended to tell you that even though you haven’t done anything till now, you can start working tomorrow onward. She also gave a practical session on article writing practices. Together, the session leads the audience into a new world.

On January 24, an afternoon session was handled by Dr. Ajesh F. (Professor, Department of AI & ML, SBCE, Pattoor) on “Encouraging academic honesty through anti-plagiarism software.” Initially, he concentrated on the different types of plagiarism and the software used for checking plagiarism. He also explained different software that is helpful for thesis or article writing. It was an eye-opening session, and the AI tools that he introduced, like knowledge maps, scholarcy, etc., will be very helpful for people in research.

Dr. Madhu S. Nair (Professor, Department of Computer Science, CUSAT, Kochi) was the resource person on the 25th of January forenoon session. The session on “Quantitative Analysis of Research Productivity: From Scientometrics’s Perspective” was a new topic for the teachers. He elaborated on the SCI, SCIE, and SSCI indexing of journals and the importance of publishing journals in these types of indexed journals. Scopus indexes journals, and how we can check whether a journal has been included in Scopus is elucidated by him. He introduced the community to various social media platforms, such as ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and Scopus, among others, for sharing and discussing research aspects. The significance of a journal’s impact factor and the calculation of the h-index were also discussed, and the session was very informative.

Dr. Ajith Prabhu (Chief Scientist (Sci “G”) & Nodal Officer, KCSTE) delivered a session on “How to Prepare Research Proposals for Funding Agencies and Patenting of Research Output.” It was the 25th of January 2023, and he entertained the class. He was discussing each step in the proposal writing process and started from the title of the proposal. The various funds available in KSCSTE also asked everyone to submit proposals to different funding agencies.

In the valedictory session, feedback was collected from different participants, and 20 external participants from various colleges actively participated in all the sessions. Out of 30 participants, 10 were internal participants. Certificate distribution was also done at the valedictory, and a photograph was taken. Altogether, everyone gave good feedback about the organisation of the FDP as well as resource person selection.

workshop on Bioinformatics tools and softwares

Department of biotechnology and biochemical engineering in association with Make in tern Ecell, IIT Kharagpur organized 3 days workshop on Bioinformatics tools and softwares on 21 -23 November 2022. Hands on session was handled by Dr Prince Xavier (Director and chief scientist, Allesh Biosciences, Bangalore).He explained different aspects of bioinformatics including the industrial applications of bioinformatics. He motivated our students and was able to create an interest in bioinformatics. He also explained about the tools and softwares used in bioinformatics especially drug designing tools like Autoduck.
Around 40 students from S3 and S5 participated in the program which was conducted at skill development centre, SBCE.



2022-2023, 18 th November 2022

An awareness campaign on E-waste management was held on 18th November 2022 by the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and Department of Food Technology of SBCE Pattoor. The program started with prayer and the blessing of the God. The anchor of the program was Haritha (S5 BT). Firstly, the welcome address wa delivered by the HOD of BT & BCE, Ms. Prof. Meera Bai S. The presidential address was conveyed by the Vice Principal Dr. Saji Varghese. After that, the inaugural address was delivered by Ms. Agnas Susan Francis, one of the speakers of the event. She gave a brief introduction on Microage networks and solutions. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Shilpa Lekshmi.
Then, the program was shifted to the main event, that is the talk by the guests: Abel Thomas and Agnas Susan Francis
Ms. Agnas Susan Francis started her talk with a story of how a person should choose a formal recycling sector. She also introduced the categories of E-waste (According to CPCB Technical guidelines), characteristics of E-waste and stage of E-waste management. She also explained how urban mining has advantages in the present world. She also hinted how Biotechnology have higher scope in bioleaching, etc.
Then Mr. Abel Thomas takes over the stage for his talk. He explained the benefits of proper E-waste management and gave an idea about the circular economy and how it benefits us when compared to a linear economy. He also gave a walkthrough on important policies related to E-waste.
After the talk, the faculties and students were given opportunities for their queries. The guests were able to answer all the queries and also provided additional information respectively.


Department of Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering and Department of Food Technology jointly with IIC and IEDC of Sree Buddha College of Engineering organized a one day workshop on the topic “Problem Solving and Ideation”at the Library Seminar Hall on 17thNovember 2021. Mr Ajay Basil Varghese, Assistant Professor Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, who is also serving as Incubation Manager in TBI, ASIET delivered a talk on the topic for young aspirants in Entrepreneurship. Ms Lekshmi R Babu, department IIC Coordinator delivered the welcome speech. Prof Meera Bai S , HoD, BT & BCE . FT commented the importance of entrepreneurship skills in young minds and also graced the success of workshop. Ms Rincy Susan Raju, department IEDC Coordinator delivered the profile of speaker and Ms Nadha Anil delivered vote of thanks.
The workshop provided immense knowledge for the student community in various branches of Engineering. The speaker had shared the experiences and hurdles he had experienced to become a successful entrepreneur. The information shared through the session was adequate to compliment for them to compete in various technological events conducted by state government and central government for promoting start up incubators

BUDS to FLOWERS alumni interaction series on 28/10/2022

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering & Department of Food Technology is jointly organized an Alumni talk as part of BUDS to FLOWERS alumni interaction series on 28/10/2022 , 11.30am at Conference Hall, Library Block. Around 90 students participated in the
program. Mr Vishnu Prasad interacted with our students and motivated them .He narrated his life journey as a student to a research scholar. He also discussed the need for higher studies, importance of Gate exams and scope of Biotechnology.


Department of biotechnology and biochemical engineering organized a virtual alumni gathering on November 5thSaturday evening 7pm IST for 2009-2013 batch.
All the 2013 passout batch mAtes and former faculties from the department was invited for the event. Prof. Meerabai head of the department invited all the teaching faculty and alumni to the Gmeet section. The coordinator Ms. Chinchu Elezebeth shared a nostalgic video including pictures from the students and introduced the new faculties in department to her classmates, the alumni of 2013 batch. Every one of them was deeply sad about demise of their great teacher Mr. Manoj Narayanan and we spent a minute to pray for his soul. Faculties who taught subjects for the batch had a few minutes interaction sharing their memories
Almost 18 alumni and a few former faculties and all current faculty members joined the meet. each one of the alumni shared their current working, family status. Most of them were settled abroad felt this opportunity to gather together after a long time. Those who settled in UK, offered their help to HOD for our students trying to migrate.
Dear HOD, inspired everyone to go passionate about the career in core engineering field was more a friends gathering and chit chat than a formal meeting. Someone expressed their inconvenience in joining the section due to bad weather-related network issues and work pressure. The virtual meetup ended by 8.30 pm IST with a thanks giving from the staff coordinator


2022-2023, 29th September 2022
World Heart Day Celebration on the theme “ Use Heart For Every Heart, was jointly organized on 29th September 2022 by the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering and Department of Food Technology of SBCE Pattoor and Janakeeya Arogya Samithi. The program started with prayer and the blessing of the God. Firstly, the welcome address was delivered by Mr.Rajeev Venad, Health Inspector-Family Health Centre, Nooranadu. Shri P M Shajahan, President of Janakeeya Arogya Samithi delivered the presidential address. The program was inaugurated by the HoD of Biotechnology & Bio-Chemical Engineering Department, Ms.Meera Bai S. After that, the chief guest Dr. N Sasidharan, Retd Dy.Director, Health Services gave a brief introduction on the theme and awareness talk on “Use Heart For Every Heart”. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms.Prarthana Prabudhan, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology & Bio-chemical Engineering Department.
After the talk, the faculties and students were given opportunities for their queries. The guests were able to answer all the queries and also provided additional information respectively

Webinar on “BIG Awareness”

The Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering & Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre jointly organized a Webinar on “BIG Awareness” on 19th July 2022. Prof. Meera Bai S welcomed the gathering and Dr. Mary Mangaiyarkarasi, IP consultant, Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre briefed about the activities in Bioinnovation Centre. The Keynote speaker, Dr. Bratati Mukhergee, Associate program officer, SINE-IITB deliberated the Biotechnology Ignition Grant registration details, who can apply, criteria for applying the fund etc. in two hours session. The program was inspiring the innovative minds of our alumni, faculties and students to apply for the grant. Ms. Shamnamol G K, Asst. Professor expressed the gratitude towards the speakers and participants for the successful conduct of the program

Department Association Inauguration “SEQUENTIA”

The Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering & Department of Food Technology jointly organized “SEQUENTIA-Association inauguration” on 20th May 2022. Prof. Meera Bai S, HoD, Dept. of BT&BCE addressed the gathering with her welcome speech. Ms. Lekshmi Dinachandran (Writer and Language editor) inaugurated the function and expressed her views to the student’s community with motivational talk. Soon after finishing the expert talk, the cultural programmes of various semester students were started and they actively participated in all the events. Ms. Namitha Chandran, joint Secretary, BUDS proposed vote of thanks.

“BIOMUSH”   20th May, 2022

Department of Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering and Department of Food Technology, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor jointly celebrated “Moments to share the happiness of our first harvest-BIOMUSH” a student project initiative. As part of the student project scheme and support from the college, fourth year students started a mushroom cultivation unit under the guidance of Dr. Malu Ravi, Ms.Shamnamol G K and student team leader Mr. Jishnu R Kurup. Prof. Meera Bai S and Mr. Najeeb bin Haneef O provided the technical support for the project. Prof. Meera Bai S, Head of the Department, BT & BCE welcomed the gathering and our Secretary, Prof. Prasad V and Principal Dr. K. Krishna Kumar inaugurated the first harvest of oyster mushroom. Prof. Prasad has conveyed the importance of starting the student project scheme and welcomed more projects from students’ side. First sale of mushroom packet was handed over to Prof. Prasad V by Mr. Jishnu R Kurup. Mr. Jishnu proposed the vote of thanks and thanked the team members of the project for their hard work and dedication.

Alumni Talk 7

As part of the Alumni interaction series “BUDS TO FLOWERS”an Alumni talk was conducted on 24/5/22.Dr Blessy Joseph (2005-2009 ,B.Tech & 2011-2013, M.Tech) ,Post Doctoral Reseacher, MG University, was the alumni who interacted with the students.She interacted with the students and delivered a talk on Nano engineering and also she gave a clear idea about the scolarships,oppurtunities and higher studies in Biotechnology and Nanotechnology .Around 100 students participated in the program.

The Student’s chapter of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers- IIChE at Sree Buddha College of Engineering Pattoor was inaugurated on 03-03-2022.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) is the premier professional organisation furthering the development of chemical, petrochemical and allied industries with respect to R&D, design and engineering, educational programmes and consultancy. The student office bearers were introduced in the meeting and as part of the event, IIChE Kochi Regional Center awarded the Academic Excellence Awards to the toppers in the Department. The chief guest of the function was Dr. Babu Jose, Chairman IIChE- Cochin, Dy General Manager- FACT. Eminent academician and the Chairman of SBCE, Prof K Sasikumar was the guest of honor. Around 200 students participated in the function. Dr. K Krishnakumar, Principal- SBCE, Shri Mohan, Secretary, IIChE Kochi regional center, Prof. V Prasad, Secretary- SBCE; Prof. Meera Bai S, HOD- BT & BCE, Dr. Jaya Jacob, Faculty Coordinator and Mr. Akshay- President IIChE SBCE Pattoor attended the event and addressed the gathering.

National Online Quiz on “Biotechnology for a sustainable future” National Science Day Celebration On 27th February 2022

The Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering & Department of Food Technology jointly organized a National online Quiz on “Biotechnology for a sustainable future” on 27th February 2022. The preliminary quiz was conducted in online mode on 25th February and around 200 participants from various states were registered for the program. Five members were shortlisted from the preliminary quiz and selected for the final round. The final of online quiz had 6 rounds including general knowledge and technical aspects and arranged in Google meet platform. The quiz master Dr Indulekha John led the show in a profound manner and Ms Shamnamol G K, coordinator of the program announced the winners who were awarded with certificates and cash prize




2019-2020 newsletter

2020-2021 newsletter


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Dr Sangeetha Vijay (Scientific Operations Manager), Anushree Dileep (Board Certified Genetic Counsellor) & Sujeeth Nair (Chief Marketing Officer) is available for a Genomics Introduction, followed by a Q&A session.This test can be done from your home. OhMyGene also picks up sample from home address anywhere in India.

SRAAVANOLSAVAM- E Onam, Nammude Onam
Department of Food Technology, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor organized “SRAAVANOLSAVAM”- E-Onam Nammude Onam,, an online Onam celebration, on 24th August 2021at 5:00PM. Dr.Manoj Narayanan (Associate Professor, Dept. of BT&BCE) welcomed the gathering and the program was inaugurated by Prof.Meera Bai S (HoD, Dept. of BT&BCE). The online onam program was attended by all the students and the faculty members from the department. Active participation of the students in the game session and in arranging several cultural programs such as group song, group dance etc from each semester called attention to the onam celebration. The Malayali Manka Kerala Sreeman contest and athapookalam competition were highlights of Sraavanolsavam. The program ended with the vote of thanks by Ms.Prarthana Prabudhan, the program co-ordinator of Sraavanolsavam

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering of Sree Buddha College of Engineering organized a one week Online Faculty Development Program on “BIOFUELS-RECENT TRENDS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS” from30th August-03rd September 2021. The program started with a welcome note by Prof Meera Bai S, HoD, BT&BCE in the inaugural session at 10.15 am on 30.08.2021. In the speech she shared the importance and objectives of the FDP. She also briefed the list of participants for theFDP. The program was graced with an inaugural address by Shri Sriram Sundararaman, General Manager, Refinery Projects Process, HPCL Mumbai. In the inaugural speech he pointed out the importance of biofuels in the near future and briefed about the ongoing research at HPCL Green Research Centre, Bangalore. The felicitation speech is delivered by, Dr K.B Radhakrishnan, Prof and Head, SCTCE, Trivandrum. Ms Shamnamol G.K, FDP Coordinator, proposed Vote of Thanks.
During FN session on 30th August after inauguration, Shri Sriram Sundararaman delivered a detailed talk on “Recent trends in biogas production and scale up”. On AN session Dr Rajiv Ravindran, Project Manager, Shannon ABC, Ireland delivered a lecture on “Biorefinery GLAS: Exploring a small scale grass biorefinery”. On day two, 31st August Prof Tennison K Jose, Assistant Professor, GEC Thrissur handled the sessionon“Biodiesel-promising biofuel for future demand”. In the afternoon, Dr I Regupathi, Associate Professor, NITK Surathkal highlighted the session on “Biofuels and their production-An overview”. Day three, 01st September started with a session by Dr K B Radhakrishnan Professor, Head, Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering. He gave an invited speech on “Green Hydrogen: The driver for decarbonization of the energy system”. Afternoon session was handled by Prof N Ramachandran, Prof (Retd), GEC, Thrissur in which he discussed on “Generation and use of biogas-Technical concerns”.On day four, 02nd September, Dr Suchith Chellappan, Assistant Professor, UKFCET, Kollam discussed on “Biochar based catalyst for bio diesel production”. In the afternoon Dr Senthil Saravanan, Professor SBCE handled a session on “Application of carbon nano tubes in the synthesis of biofuels”
Day five started with a session by Dr R Sindhu, Scientist, CSIR-NIIST on “Technological advancements in biofuel production: Initiatives of CSIR-NIIST”. Afternoon session was handled by Dr P Binod, Principal Scientist, NIIST, who highlighted on ”Microbial biotechnology- A sustainable way to circular bio-economy”.
On 03rd September at 3.00 pm, during the valedictory session Ms Anju Raj, FDP Coordinator presented the report of the one week FDP. Prof Meera Bai S, HoD, Dept of BT & BCE proposed Vote of thanks. The Faculty Development Program ended at 3.30 Pm with an online feed back session from the participants

                                                                                     INAUGURAL SECTION

                                                                                  VALEDICTORY SESSION

The Institution of Engineers (India) students Chapter of Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and The Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam Local Centre jointly organized one day Webinar in connection with World organ day on 13th August 2021. The World Organ Donation Day is observed globally on 13th August every year. This day is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation and motivate people to donate organs after death. The day provides an opportunity to all to come ahead and pledge to donate their precious organs because one organ donor can save up to eight lives. Presently in Kerala, Mrithasanjeevani is the nodal agency for cadaver organ transplants.

Today’s teens have been highlighted as ‘change makers’ who can spark the society by spreading the awareness and the need to raise the number of organ donors. However, in Kerala, there is a lack of studies on awareness and attitude of the students about solid organ donation, especially in the rural areas. Prof Meera Bai S, Head of the Department, Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering welcomed the audience. The invited speaker for this auspicious program is Mr Aneesh PV, Organ Transplant Coordinator, Government Medical College Thiruvananthapuram. Dr Malu Ravi, IE(I) faculty advisor delivered keynote address by emphasising the importance of celebrating World organ day and the significance of awareness program to students.Mr Aneesh P V had given a detailed talk on the organ that are commonly donated, different medical process to find out a suitable donor, process for registering their willingness to donate their organ or tissue in government official website, also shared some real life experiences to educate students the need and importance of organ donation. Students interacted well in the discussion session. Dr Manoj Narayanan, Associate Professor concluded the session by proposing vote of thanks.

The webinar was definitely a thought provoking awareness program and sure this webinar gave students a chance to actively engage in activities that will make them think positive to organ donation.

Inauguration of GATE Coaching Classes
Gate coaching classes for the department students under Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering streams were inaugurated by Dr. K Krishnakumar honourable principal SBCE, Pattoor on 12th June 2021. The GATE coaching programme is extended over six months and will provide weekend online coaching for students.

Interaction with Entrepreneur- Najeeb Haneef, CEO, Zaara Biotech
With the aim of promoting entrepreneurship activities among students the Department had organised an ‘Interaction with Entrepreneur’ program on 29thMay 2021.Mr. Najeeb Haneef CEO Zaara Biotech was the special guest for the program. Mr. Najeeb Haneef shared his experiences on this journey from a student to becoming a successful entrepreneur. The experience sharing session was followed by a question answer session and interaction


A new webinar series named “BUDS TO FLOWERS” was introduced in the department to facilitate the interaction between prominous alumni and current students.

The second webinar was conducted on April 27th, 2021, Tuesday. Ms Lakshmi T.S, (Project Scientist, Sree Chithra Tirunal Institute for Biomedical Sciences and Technology) was the key speaker.

Prithvi”- Earth Day Celebration 2021

With the theme of “Restore Earth” Department of BT& BCE has organised the celebration of Earth Day on 22nd April 2021 in association with Energy and Environment Conservation Club. Ms Meera Bai S (HoD) welcomed the gathering. The keynote speaker Mr B Aburaj, Director, SIET delivered the lecture on the current status of mother earth and its future effect. The motivational talk was lead by Mr P Prasad, Chairman, Kerala Housing Board who inaugurated the function. In continuation with the invited talk, the department prearranged a competition for UG and PG students of SBCE with the theme “Restore Earth”.  Their original work for “restoring earth” was presented in the form of videos and photos. Attractive prizes were distributed for winners.
Recording details:


WWF-India in association with Sree Buddha College of Engineering Pattoor conducted an “Awareness and Quiz on Earth Hour 2021” in connection with Global Earth Hour. The awareness session was handled by Dr S Jisha, Department of Zoology, Sree Narayana College, Kollam in which she gave a detailed information regarding the significance of earth hour as an annual event. She emphasised the importance of energy conservation and its impact on the environment. Her lecture was beneficial and might has created environmental consciousness amongs student community.


2nd February 2021

The Institution of Engineers (India) Students Chapter of Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and The Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre jointly organized one day webinar in connection with World Wetlands Day celebrations on 2nd February 2021. Dr Anoop Raj J R, Head of the Department, Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering welcomed the audience and resource persons Dr S Jisha, Department of Zoology, SreeNarayana College, Kollam and Dr B Hari Department of Zoology, SreeNarayana College, Kollam. Dr K Krishnakumar, Principal, SBCE inaugurated the function by delivering the importance of wetlands and the need for conserving the area. Dr Manoj Narayanan, program co-ordinator, delivered keynote address by emphasising the importance of celebrating World wetland day on 2nd February 2021. Felicitation was done by Mr Madhav K, IE(I) college coordinator, stressing the current scenario of wetlands in India. Dr Malu Ravi, IE(I) faculty advisor, proposed vote of thanks.

First session was handled by Dr S Jisha about Wetlands of Kerala. She gave a detailed information about wetlands and its categories. She emphasised the threats faced by them. She had end the session with a thought provoking question about the wetlands and the need to protect it as an individual.Dr Hari B presented his own case study on “AvainFauna of KandachiraWetlands”. He talked about migratory birds, characters and their temporary habitats. He highlighted about vulnerable species and stressed the importance to protect them in every possible way. He also conveyed the significance to protect the wetlands which are commonly known as “Earth’s kidney”.


A new webinar series named “BUDS TO FLOWERS” was introduced in the department to facilitate the interaction between prominous alumni and current students.

The first webinar was conducted in January 31st, 2021, Saturday. Dr Renu Geetha Bai, (Research Scientist, School of Natural Sciences and Health (SNSH)), Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia) was the key speaker.

She shared her experiences as a B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering student in our college and also her journey as student from B.Tech to Post Doc Level. She mentioned her research interests and the scope of nanotechnology to the students. Also she encouraged the students to apply for scholarship positions abroad. Around 60 participants attended the program.

Department Association Inauguration (BUDS) 2020-21 Academic year

Department association (Biotechnology Union for the development of society) was inaugurated on 31st December 2020 by the head of the department Dr Anoop Raj. In order to relax from the learning process, the association inauguration offered an opportunity for all BT &FT students to show case their talents through google meet platform.

Online program on “Professional Ethics”

On 9th December 2020, International Anti Corruption Day was recognized by conducting an online training programme on “Professional Ethics”. The programme was inaugurated by Sri Jacob Punnoose, Former DGP & Kerala Police Chief and session was handled by Sri Benny Kurian, international corporate trainer & consultant.

Webinar on “Nature and Biotechnology”

The program was organized by the department of BT&BCE in association with Joint Action Council of KSPCB on 18th November 2020. Film director Sri Jayaraj inaugurated the function and Dr J R Anoop Raj, HoD, welcomed the gathering.


The workshop started on 09/11/20 at 10 AM . Dr S Suresh Babu ,Principal, SBCE, inaugurated the function. Dr Anoop Raj J R, head of the department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering welcomed all the gatherings. Fifty two participants from all over India attended the workshop. Right after the inauguration the first session started. Prof. Meera Bai gave an introduction about the SCILAB, mathematical calculations and functions. On the second day (11/11/20), Prof Shamnamol give a brief introduction on simulation and process control aspects of SCILAB. On the third day (12/11/20), Prof Jayaraj, the department of ECE, introduced the concepts of different plotting and digital signal processing. The program come to an end by the concluding remarks of Dr Anoop Raj followed by the vote of thanks by Prof Meera Bai S.


Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering celebrated World Student’s day on October 15, 2020 in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) Students Chapter of the department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and The Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre jointly celebrated World Student’s day. As part of World Student’s day celebrations, Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering organized a competition for students on the theme “Students’ life, Yesterday ǀ Today ǀ Tomorrow”.

Webinar on “Career prospects in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering”

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering organized webinar on “Career Prospects in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering” on 17.06.2020 in zoom meet. The enlightening session was handled by our proud alumni Dr Rajeev Ravindran (Project manager – Bioeconomy, IT Tralee, Ireland), Mr Arjun Prasad (Scientist B,  Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment, Kerala) and Mr Faisal Mullalayam(Director, Elixir Enviro Systems Pvt Ltd, Kerala).


6th June 2020

Resource person: Dr. Manoj Narayanan

                                     Dr. Jaya Jacob

The Institution of Engineers (India) Students Chapter of Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and The Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre jointly organized one day webinar on biodiversity in connection with World Environment Day celebrations on 5th June 2020. Mr Madhav K welcomed the audience and Dr S Suresh Babu, Principal, SBCE delivered the presidential address. Er  Rajan K, Honorary Secretary, IE(I) gave the inaugural address. Dr Manoj Narayanan and Dr Jaya Jacob were the key speakers of the day. Dr Manoj Narayanan presented the topic ‘Gaia: A diverse Biography’. He conveyed the message that it’s high time to live in harmony with nature, controlled utilization of renewable resources which helps to maintain biodiversity. Dr Jaya Jacob talked about the vital information of infectious diseases and other unhuman activities happening in current scenario. She also emphasized the importance of preserving biodiversity in the topic ‘Biodiversity and Emerging Infectious Diseases”. Both lectures were fruitful and thought-provoking. Dr Malu Ravi proposed the vote of thanks by highlighting “time to rethink, respect and co-exist with the environment”


28 February, 2020
The Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre and Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering organized one day idea pitching competition “Time Travel 2020- A journey to 2050” as part of National Science day celebrations. The program is about visualizing their ideas/ dreams/ predictions about our world in 2050 in technological perspective.Dr J R Anoop Raj, Head, Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering welcomed the gathering and Dr S Suresh Babu, Principal, SBCE delivered the presidential address. The function was inaugurated by Shri K K Sivadasan, Treasurer Sree Buddha Educational society.The guest of honour of this auspicious day was Mr Gilby Varghese Jaison, Marketing Manager, Sangrose Laboratories Pvt Ltd., Alappuzha.Dr Malu Ravi proposed vote of thanks. A panel comprising of Dr Manoj Narayanan (Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering department), Mr Sabi S (Electronics and Communication Engineering) and Mr GopuDarsan (Computer science and Engineering ) evaluated the young minds’ ideas.

One day seminar on “Challenges in Biopolymer Production”

28th October 2019

Resource Person: Dr R Sindhu, Scientist, CSIR-NIIST

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering organized one day seminar on “Challenges in Biopolymer Production”  on 28th October 2019. Dr J R Anoop Raj, HoD, department of BT&BCE welcomed the gathering. Mr K KSivadasn, Treasurer, SBES presided the conference and wished all the success of the program. Dr Sindhu R, Scientist, NIIST-CSIR inaugurated the BUDS activity in the academic year 2019-20. Dr S Suresh Babu, Principal, SBCE facilitated the function and showed the concern in waste management strategies in Kerala. Finally Ms Shamnamol G K, BUDS staff coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. After the inaugural function, Dr Sindhu R discussed about the research in the field of biopolymer production and its challenges. She also presented the various research works going in the National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology. It was an enlightening session for the budding engineers. Through the seminar program,  the curriculum gaps related to biopolymer production were covered.


Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, conducted exhibition project models designed by S5 students which was duly supported by BUDS association. 29 students with 11 projects from the department have participated in this fair with all enthusiasm.The exhibition was intended to build confidence of the students. They would be  proud of  their work getting appreciated by others and  their communication skill  can also be enhanced. The students will be able to improve their project by suggestions from other faculty members and students. Inaugural session was presided by Dr S Suresh Babu, Principal, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and inaugurated by Dr Anoop Raj J R, HoD, Department of Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering. Faculty members and students of all branches had visited the project. Dr. Malu Ravi, programme coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.

An awareness program on “National Pollution Prevention Day”  2nd December 2019

Resource Person: Dr R Gopakumar, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering organized an awareness program on” National Pollution Prevention Day” in the Skill Development Centre, Homi J Bhabha block on 2nd December 2019. Dr J R Anoop Raj, HoD, Department of BT&BCE welcomed the gathering. Dr S Suresh Babu, Principal, SBCE presided the conference and he pointed the current situation of Ganga river. He also added that according to the latest data with the CPCB, most of the Ganga river water in the Uttar Pradesh-West Bengal stretch is unfit for drinking and bathing.Dr R Gopakumar, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering was the chief guest. He came to the topic by an introductory remark that National Pollution Control Day is observed in the memory of those who have lost their lives in the Bhopal Gas tragedy on 2nd December, 1984. The Indian government has launched various acts and rules for controlling and preventing pollution in India after the Bhopal tragedy. It was an eye-opening session and he discussed the importance of the control of pollution. He also recommended that it was not   the duty of  Government alone, but we  also should participate and make the environment clean and live disease-free. Finally Ms Shamnamol G K, BUDS staff coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.

Jevajala Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Camp

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering along with Pandalam Municipality and Mangaram water treatment plant  conducted a water analysis camp at Pandalam.The camp was for 2 days (27/9/18 and 28/9/18).The primary aim was to analyse the well water samples provided by the people in the surrounding areas of Pandalam.


A talk on “Efface our e-waste”

Under  PRABHODANA-“Enlightenment through Science”, a programme  jointly organized by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment and Sree Buddha College of Engineering, under Science Popularization Scheme conducted an invited talk on “Efface our e-waste” on 19th September 2018 at Pope Pius higher secondary school, Kattanam. The  the objective of  the programme was to evaluate and analyse the disposal behaviour and public perception/awareness on e-waste.  



Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor celebrated the 51st Engineer’s day on September 18, 2018. The Institution of Engineers (India) Students Chapter of Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and The Institution Of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre jointly organized a one-day seminar on the topic “Kerala Flood 2018 & Flood Management in Kuttanad Region” as part of the celebration. Dr  J R Anoop Raj, Head, Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering welcomed the gathering and the function was inaugurated by Shri K K Sivadasan, Treasurer, Sree Buddha Educational Society. The invited speaker for the day was Dr Gopakumar R, Professor, department of Civil Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering Pattoor. Mrb Madhav K (IE(I), College Coordinator) felicitated the program and Dr Malu Ravi proposed the vote of thanks. The lecture was followed by ideathon contest for the students on the theme “Kayakalpa- An ode to mother nation”.

A Seminar on Environmental Management systems and Environmental Friendly Technologies and Total Quality Management and  Statistical Quality Control Techniques Focusing on Zero defects-   (PGIF PROGRAM)

Resource person: Sri S VENUGOPAL, Deputy General Manager, HLL Life Care Ltd (Govt. of India Enterprise)

A one-day seminar titled “Environmental Management Systems and Environmental Friendly Technologies and Total Quality Management and Statistical Quality Control Techniques focusing on Zero Defects” was organized for the  M.Tech students under the banner of “PGIF” on 16.03.2016. Sri S VENUGOPAL, Deputy General Manager, HLL Life Care Ltd (Govt. of India Enterprise) conducted the session wherein he gave guidance to students regarding various quality control techniques. He gave a brief idea about environment management systems. Ms Sheigha Pappachan of 1st year M. Tech, BT & BCE, gave the vote of thanks. The students found the experience  informative and enlightening.

Seminar on “The Recent Trends of Nanotechnology”

Resource person: Dr Renu Geetha, Nottingham Trend University, Malaysia Campus
A one-day seminar titled “The Recent Trends of Nanotechnology” was organized for the  M.Tech students on 28.10.2016. Dr Renu Geetha, Nottingham Trend University, Malaysia Campus conducted the session wherein she gave guidance to students regarding the use of nanoparticles and its application. She gave a brief idea about the opportunities of biotechnological research in India and abroad. Dr Manoj Narayanan proposed the vote of thanks. The entire session was  fruitful and eye opening.

Short term course on Food Processing and Preservation

Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha college of Engineering conducted a 2 months’ course (January 23rd –   March 23rd, 2017) on “Food processing and preservation”. The objective of this course was to encourage skill development for people by providing a creative and outstanding training program. In this course, the participants were taught to make different food products and techniques for preservation. A batch of ten students has successfully completed the course and their certificate distribution was done on 10th May 2017. Sri Sreekumar E N welcomed the gathering and presidential address was given by Sri K K Sivadasan. Dr S Suresh Babu gave the Principal’s address followed by certificate distribution by Sri P Asokan Nair (Hon. President, Nooranad Grama Panchayat). The ceremony came to an end by a vote of thanks given by Ms Rincy Susan Raju. The resource persons for the course were the faculty of the Department of BT & BCE.




Resource person :  Mr Sarju S, Nodal Officer, Start-Up Boot Camp, St. Joseph`S College Of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kerala

The invited talk was primarily intended to create a powerful platform where young minds throw in their ideas in the brainstorming squads and collectively work out for creative solutions to a real world problem. The objective of the session was to catalyze students from all fields of study to learn more about the complex challenges prevailing in the world, like food, education and health and inspire them to channel their passions and creativity towards developing new ideas that make a difference. The talk was conducted on 19/04/2017 by the department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, SBCE. The welcome address was delivered by Dr Jaya Mary Jacob.  The students found the experience informative and enlightening.

Seminar on “Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Resource person:Prof Dr G Madhu,  Professor, Division of Chemical Engg., School of Engineering

A one-day seminar titled “Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment” was organized by Biotechnology Union for Development of Society (BUDS) on 18.01.2017. The session was lead by Dr G Madhu, Professor,Division Of Chemical Engg.,School Of Engineering. He gave a comprehensive talk on various methods of hazard identification and methods of risk analysis and assessment. The program was inaugurated by Dr Giridhar R Nair, Head of the department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, SBCE Pattoor. Mr  Narayanan Nampoothiri V P, BUDS student representative, delivered the vote of thanks. The program was highly informative and inspiring.


A one day seminar ‘ A E K A- Crafting the biotechnology based entrepreneurship was organized by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre & Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering on 15th September 2017. The core team from AEKA Biochemicals Pvt. Ltd- the first fully women owned biotechnology company in Kerala, addressed the undergraduate and post graduate students in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering regarding the various aspects of biotechnology based entrepreneurship. Ms Aardra Chandra Mouli, the founder and managing director of AEKA shared her experiences in her journey towards the genesis of her successful start-up venture. In her address, Ms. Mouli unveiled the incessant career prospects in the field of biotechnology research and development and indicated that Kerala is already a hub to biotechnology start-ups. The students also had an interactive session with Dr Aruna and Ms Sinu Sunny, who briefed them about the various aspects in the research and production units of a biotechnology firm. An active participation was noted from the students throughout the session and the students had raised several queries to the resource personnel regarding the upcoming opportunities in the field and the stages in the growth of a start up.


The Institution of Engineers (India) Students Chapter of Department of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering and The Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre jointly organized one day seminar on the topic “Environmental Challenges-ways to connect with nature” on 5th June 2018 in the seminar hall, civil block, SBCE, Pattoor. Dr Thankamony (Retd Professor) of the Environmental Engineering Division of College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram , (Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Award winner- a national honour for tree lovers, for the year 2002) inaugurated the function. Subsequently, Er Sivadasan K took a good initiative from the college students – bottle gardening and plantation of medicinal plants in the reusable plastic bottles.


The Department. of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering has conducted one day technical expo “Biosfera-2k18”on 9th March 2018 in the conference Hall, Library block. Biosfera 2k18 focused on accentuating the role of biotechnology and its interventions in daily life.  The event included student project exhibitions, demonstrative project expo, stem cell collection and awareness program, technical talk on “Eco conservation of water bodies”, awareness class on fire and rescue services and several other forums that highlighted the importance of biotechnology for sustainable development. Biosfera 2k18 was inaugurated by Er Biju Balakrishnan ,district environmental engineer, State Pollution Control Board (Thiruvanathapuram), The felicitations were proposed by Shri K K Sivadasan, Treasurer, SBEC, Aby Sam John, HEAD- Donor Recruitment & Counseling, DATRI Blood Stem Cell Donors Registry. Ms Shamnamol G K presented the BUDS activity report of academic year 2017-18. BUDS secretary Mr Arun M P proposed vote of thanks.


The Department of Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering has organized E2F2 series under the main theme of Technological Advancement in Bioengineering on 17-18 April 2018. The conference was aimed to provide insight on areas like agriculture biotechnology, biomaterials, biomedical engineering, bio nano-technology ,bioprocess engineering, catalysis and reaction engineering, energy and environmental engineering. There were 11 participants and they presented their papers and 19 participants were registered as coauthors. Prof Fazil A, Asst Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, TKM college of Engineering, Kollam was an external judge for the evaluation of paper presentation. The session was chaired by Ms Meera Bai S, Asst Professor, Department of BT&BCE, SBCE,Pattoor. Ms Rincy Susan Raju (Faculty) won the  award  for the best paper and Ms Sruthi Rajan (PG Scholar) secured  the award for the best second paper. The certificate and memento were distributed by Dr Manoj Narayanan, HoD,  Department of BT&BCE.


As part of ASTRAL 2K18, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Department has organized  events like Aventura, Ideathorn, Questionnaire, Footmaestro,  and Transfusion music on 7th -9th  March 2018. ‘Questionnaire’,  was a quiz competition to find the general and technical knowledge levels within the students. Aventura  was a game based on basic chemistry knowledge and it involved participation of B-Tech students from various colleges. The game consisted of three rounds. A non technical event named Foot maestro (footsal) was conducted as a part of techno cultural fest Astral 2K18. Football Maestro is a futsal competition. Futsal, or futsala, is a variant of association football played on a hard court, smaller than a football pitch, and mainly indoors.


The Biotechnology Union for Development of Society (BUDS), Department of Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor organized a two day workshop “Biotechnological interventions in the current world” on 21-22, May 2018. This two day workshop focused on accentuating the role of biotechnology and its interventions in daily life. The students who participated were from 10th,11th and 12th classes of the nearby schools.

Dr Renu G, Post Doctoral fellow at American University of Sharjah inaugurated the program and gave a talk on recent trends in nanotechnology. Treasurer K K Sivadasan felicitated the program.  Dr J R Anoop Raj, (Head of the department) gave a talk on recent trends in biotechnology. On the second day Principal, Dr S Suresh Babu distributed the certificates for the students.

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